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Tuesday 7 July 2015

Four children and two adults stranded at sea are rescued by good Samaritans in this remarkable footage

Four children and two adults who were stranded at sea are rescued in this footage captured by the US Coast Guard.
Those on board had managed to raise the alarm and send out a distress call via a mobile phone.
The crew of the 22-foot aluminum boat reported they had ran out of fuel while travelling from Eek to Quinhagak, before they lost communication completely.
Their boat had been reported missing off an Alaskan bay and was found struggling in choppy waters by the crew of a Hercules airplane sent to find them.
A MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter was also called into the search.
Saved: The six people on board - including four children - are taken to safety after they raised the alarm
It's co-pilot Lieutenant Dan DeAngelo said he felt proud to assist in the rescue in Kuskokwim Bay.
Speaking from onboard the aircraft he said: "You've got two adults and four kids on there, you know, waving their hands, flagging you down in distress, so it's kind of a nice feeling to be able to go over there and help pick them out."
He added: "They were able to have some sort of cell reception when they were like kind of half way through and got a message out to we believe some of the local communities there near shore."
Three Good Samaritan vessel crews, as they're referred to by the Coast Guard, assisted in escorting the distressed boat to safety.
They provided fuel and escorted the boat to the nearest village.
“This is a great case to demonstrate the significance of carrying an emergency position indicating radio beacon with you, as well as filing a float plan,” said Lieutenant DeAngelo.
“We’re lucky that they were able to have some sort of cell reception.”
The vessel was not outfitted with a VHF radio, but everyone aboard did have lifejackets