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Monday 27 January 2014

Kid Dies In Hot Car, While Mum Was Having Sex With Male Friend

The mother of the two boys who died of hyperthermia has been arrested. Authorities say they found out she was having sex with her boyfriend while the kids were left alone for two hours with the heat on in the car. (The boys and their father pictured above) The story below...
A mother whose children died after she locked them in the car with a heater running, while she had sex in another vehicle, is on trial for homicide.
Prosecutors say Heather Jensen, 25, carried out a "death sentence" against her two young sons when she locked then in the hot car, Fox 31 Denver reports.
The charges against Ms Jensen include criminally negligent homicide, child abuse resulting in death and false reporting. Continue...
"Ms Jensen created the situation that caused her children to die," prosecutor Danielle Lewis said in opening statements.

Her defence says her actions should be assessed with regard to her low IQ, her youth and the fact her husband died six weeks earlier in a car accident.

"It was a tragedy, but it was an accident. It was not a crime," said public defender Elsa Archambault.
Ms Jensen sobbed loudly as her trial opened last week in Mesa County District Court, Colorado.

Ms Jensen’s sons, William, 2, and 4-year-old Tyler, died on November 27, 2012. She told her new live-in boyfriend she was taking the boys to play in the snow and drove them to a snow park, where she met up with a male friend to have sex in the car park.

At first, she left the two boys in the car with the heat on and the doors unlocked.

After about 30 minutes, Tyler opened the door and Ms Jensen returned him to her car, gave him a mobile phone to play with and secured the child locks before returning to her friend.

The children are said to have spent 90 minutes in the car, where an investigation revealed temperatures could have reached 60 degrees Celsius. Both boys died from hyperthermia.

Ms Jensen’s defence attributes her poor decision making to her low IQ of 76, which makes her borderline developmentally disabled.

A boyfriend also told investigating police that Ms Jensen had smoked marijuana the day before the children died.

In the three months leading up to the deaths, she had failed court-ordered drug tests three times, the Daily Sentinel reports. The testing was tied to a March 2012 arrest for domestic violence. Her husband Eric had told police Ms Jensen became violent after he confronted her about spending time with friends who supplied her with painkillers Vicodin and Percocet.

Following the deaths of her sons, Ms Jensen also violated the terms of her probation and left Colorado for Florida, to be with her family.
"I believe it would be a great opportunity for me to start my life over again in Florida, and being surrounded by all my family who loves me to help me get through the losses I’ve had in this past month," Ms Jensen wrote in the letter to a Mesa County judge. "And I would greatly appreciate it if you will let me move on with my life in Florida."

Ms Jensen's request was denied and she was arrested at her mother's home in North Fort Myers, Florida on January 16, 2013.

The jury deciding the case was made up of 10 women and five men, but a judge removed one of the jurors from the trial when he found out she added a witness from the trial as a friend on Facebook, CBS Denver reports. The trial is expected to run for nine days.

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Uganda may be a homohobic country, but their men rank high in Googling gay porn

Uganda is 3rd on the list of countries where "man f**king man" is most searched for, behind Kenya and Pakistan according to a new article by the UK Guardian. Check on it below... 
The anti-homosexuality bill in Uganda is more than simply a bill about homosexuality, and it is more than a pernicious piece of local legislation that affects Uganda alone. Of course, the bill itself is bad enough. Originally conceived back in 2009, it was introduced with the aim of ridding Uganda of homosexuality and, to begin with, contained the death penalty. An international outcry forced the Ugandans to drop that section of the bill, but the form in which it passed through the legislature just before Christmas is dreadful enough, with homosexuality now leading to life imprisonment and a prison sentence for those who do not report gay people to the authorities within 24 hours.
Homosexuality is here understood as not just anal sex between men (yes, it's worth pointing out to some people that straight couples can just as easily do that sort of thing too), but also as same-sex snogging and heavy petting. On Wednesday, a gathering of 50 or so people outside the Ugandan embassy in London called on the president not to sign the bill, but there is little sign that he will listen. Described by its supporters as a "Christmas present", Peter Tatchell has it rather differently: "The bill is in some respects even more draconian than the extreme homophobic laws of countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran." Uganda is set to become the anti-gay capital of the world.

Last year, Google published statistics about the places in the world where their search engine was most used to 

find gay porn sites. The results were extraordinary. According to its figures, Uganda is third on the list of counties where "man fucking man" is most searched for, behind Kenya and Pakistan, both of which are countries where homosexuality is illegal. These figures also demonstrate a high degree of correlation between places of conservative religious practice and internet searches for gay porn.

Is there a connection, then, between homophobia and suppressed homosexuality, along the lines of "me thinks he protesteth too much"? Is it that homosexual desires, when shut out because of some sense of shame, can easily express themselves as a form of homophobia? When the US conservative evangelical pastor Ted Haggard, well known for his anti-gay preaching, was discovered to have been paying a masseuse for gay sex, he explained that "I think I was partially so vehement because of my own war". Freud coined the description "reaction-formation", in which anxiety-generating feelings are masked by an exaggerated reaction in the opposite direction. There is some experimental evidence to back this up, withone study showing that 20% of those who self-described as "highly straight" indicated some level of same-sex attraction. This discrepancy is often put down to highly controlling parents who do not allow their children room to explore their sexual identity.
Yes, of course, there are many people who do not experience same-sex attraction who are anti-gay. But one of the features of reaction-formation is its paranoia and lack of proportion. And this is precisely what the scaremongering nonsense about gay people being out to get our children – a common line in the Ugandan debate – clearly demonstrates. In conservative religious environments where God is depicted as a powerful all-controlling parent, it makes sense to me that this reaction-formation will be particularly strong.
Which is why so much homophobia is rooted in religion or, as I would argue, in a form of bad religion that has a misplaced understanding of the divine. And I suspect also that this "bad God" is not unconnected with having been introduced as part of western colonialism with all the control and domination that this involved. For my part, if God is love, then the so-called "kill the gays" bill is not of his doing. And so the battle to overcome the instinct behind this cruel legislation has to include some element of theological deprogramming

Monday 13 January 2014

Tolu Ogunlesi writes open letter to President Jonathan

It's a season of open's another one from award winning journalist & social commentator Tolu Ogunlesi to the president of Nigeria, Goodluck Jonathan...
Dear Mr. President,
I am constrained to write this open letter to you before this season of letters comes to a close. I will go straight to the issues at stake. Let’s start with the level of toxic-ness in the air, sustained to a large extent by the attitude of your array of spokespersons, who today do little more than insult and dismiss everyone deemed to be an “enemy” of the President. Just as you have a point when you said that the easiest way to be deemed “progressive” is to abuse Jonathan, it has also become that criticising the President quickly earns one all sorts of unprintable labels from the your camp.

Everyone in your camp seems obsessed with the fact that the world is against you. One adviser recently accused everyone criticising you of lacking home training. Another, who made his name writing brilliant articles that skewered the governments of the day, recently lamented — without any sense of irony — that all Nigerian media is in the hands of the opposition.

There’s a siege mentality at work, us versus them. I can assure you that that is not at all a helpful attitude to adopt. Let’s get one thing clear – if the Nigerian media seems to be against you, it is because it has always been that way; always tending to be deeply critical of the abuse and misuse of power. At the next Council of State meeting, you might want to ask your predecessors about their experiences with the media and the “opposition”.

If the media was unusually “nice” to or tolerant of the self-styled Evil Genius, Gen. Ibrahim Babangida, why did he spend so much time proscribing media houses? If it was nice to Gen. Sani Abacha, why was his government obsessed with hounding journalists? If it was nice to President Olusegun Obasanjo, why did he once boast that he never read newspapers? The late President  Umaru Yar’Adua earned himself a reputation as “Baba Go-Slow”. Remember the joke that circulated widely a few years ago, about going into a restaurant to order amala, shaki and ‘Yar’Adua’ (where Yar’Adua stood for ‘snail’).

My point is: I doubt that Nigerians and their news media are singling you out for ill-treatment. It’s not about you being a Southern President, or a Christian, or an Ijaw man, it’s far more likely to be about the action and inaction of your government.

Mr. President, step out of the trenches. Your battle is not against the media, or ordinary Nigerians wont to express their frustrations and disappointments. I suspect that your battle is instead with many of those characters who surround you, claiming to be friends and loyalists, but who imprison you within a dangerous Bubble and delight in misleading you for their own selfish ends.
I have slowly come to realise how the condition of power easily sets up the wielders of that power for incarceration within a Bubble. It’s prison without the uniform and without the realisation that you’re in prison.

In that Bubble, you’re cut off from reality, and people come up to you and say all sorts of things. They give you lists of your “friends” and “enemies”, they concoct allegations, they worship you, they call you their Alpha and Omega, the best thing to happen to Nigeria since 1914; they endlessly whisper rumours and rumours of rumours. They will tell you that everyone hates you because you’re from a minority ethnic group. They will tell you to ignore what “all those yeye newspapers and critics” are saying.

It’s time, perhaps, for you to fight to step out of that Bubble. Your own long walk to freedom ought to commence now, considering that it’s almost too late.

We all know that governance is largely a series of perception games. Thus far, your government has, like many of the governments that preceded you, has played those games badly. When people perceive your government as corrupt, it is because they see no evidence otherwise. We all saw fuel subsidy payments rise four-fold during your first year in power. No one took responsibility, no one was punished.

When the Ikeja Police College incident happened, it was an angry you who said the revelations were the work of your enemies. It was, and is still, puzzling – did the opposition somehow corner all the funds allocated to the College(s), making it impossible for the police bosses to spend their funds responsibly? Then, there was the aviation industry scandal – and I’ve reliably heard that it is only a tip of the iceberg. The “Oga At The Top” is still sitting pretty, invoking the “Law of No-Shaking”.
Meanwhile, that same government wastes no time pushing Prof. Bart Nnaji out for “conflict of interest’; and hounding the Central Bank of Nigeria Governor, Sanusi Lamido, on the unproven ground that he “leaked” a letter to the President. Perhaps, you will be able to explain to us how a Sanusi has managed to embarrass your government to a greater extent than a Stella Oduah.

With scenarios like this, you shouldn’t be surprised that Nigerians are angry and confused.
If you stood where Nigerians stand, and gave the affairs of your government a proper consideration, you’d probably – hopefully – come to the same conclusion. That something is just not right somewhere.

The tragedy is that someday, maybe in 2015, or 2019, you will step down from the Bubble. Your eyes will “clear”, and like Obasanjo, you will become an advocate of good governance. Perhaps, you will even write longwinded letters (or emails) to your successor complaining about corruption and about how the international community is deeply worried about Nigeria.

And we will be forced to remind you of your own time in office, and wonder aloud what it is about the water in Aso Rock that turns occupants into this strange species of Homo Sapiens.

Perhaps, you would like to backtrack a little, to the beginnings of your Presidency. To the circumstances in which you, an underdog of underdogs, came to power. When you were at the mercy of the “cabal” that ran Nigeria in the absence of a then ailing President Yar’Adua.

I, like millions of other Nigerians, was angered by the antics of that cabal, at how you, the sitting Vice-President, was treated. You were kept out of the loop, humiliated. I recall joining protest marches in Lagos and Abuja, calling for an end to the shameful state of affairs that kept you away from taking charge of Nigeria. We didn’t do it because you were an Ijaw man, or because your loyalists “mobilised” us to march for you. We did it because it was the right, sensible and decent thing to do.

Recall the promise and potential with which you came to power. A Nigerian President who came from outside the hegemonic contraptions that have run Nigeria since independence. No one doubts that your victory in 2011 was legitimate; those elections, while not perfect, were the most credible we had seen in almost two decades. I recall describing your appearance on the social media in 2010 as a “breath of fresh air” – a mantra that eventually became one of your campaign themes.

The question to ask yourself is: What happened? How did we get here, where the name “Jonathan” has become a byword for goofs and gaffes, for complete helplessness in the face of oil theft and corruption?

In trying to answer that question (and maybe, there are some answers above), the least we expect is that you will try to make amends. Because that is all that will really matter, in the long run. You will probably need to sacrifice some of those Untouchables in your cabinet. There’s news of an impending cabinet reshuffle. Go ahead and do it. Surprise us.

You will also need to do something about your communications set-up. Your achievements – and they do exist (these might form the basis of another letter) – deserve to do better than get lost amidst the din of mindless propaganda and abusive language flowing from your spokespersons and aides.
You would need to come and meet Nigerians where they are – sadly trapped beneath layers angry cynicism – to directly tell them what you’ve been doing, what you’re currently doing, and what you plan to do in 2014. A handful of Presidential Media Chats per year will no longer cut it; not in these dire times.

You will have to face up to the difficult questions that Nigerians are asking, and answer them yourself. Go on TV, get on radio, get out there on the social media. You can no longer continue to depend solely on a battery of spokespersons speaking dangerously off-the-cuff, hyper-excited by the sounds of their own intemperate voices.

The siege mentality has to go. You’re not the first, and will not be the last, Nigerian President to feel beleaguered. It is the nature of the task. And, considering what they receive in compensation and benefits for the job of ruling or misruling Nigeria, our politicians should generally learn to take all the heat, or leave the kitchen.

I have written this letter in genuine concern. I am not currently a member of any political party, and I do not have anything personal at stake in this brouhaha – no bids for a marginal field or NIPP power plant or import licence that might possibly be affected by the way things play out. I do not hate you.
I am simply an ordinary Nigerian, concerned about the direction in which our country is headed; concerned about seeing that Nigeria gets the highest quality of governance that is reasonably possible, considering our very complicated circumstances.

Thank you.

Cristiano Ronaldo wins World Footballer of the Year 2013

Finally he wins it again. The Portugal and Real Madrid striker beat Argentine and Barcelona player Lionel Messi and France and Bayern Munich player Franck Ribery to win the 2013 FIFA Ballon D'or award. Ronaldo won it in 2008 but lost to Messi in 2009, 2010, 2011, & 2012. Really happy for him

Pic of the day: Ronaldo & Messi put their women between

Football rivals Cristiano Ronaldo & Lionel Messi put their women between them at the Ballon d'OR gala that took place tonight. The footballers didn't seem to have much to say to each other and their girlfriends sef...see the body language. Lol. You can feel the tension before Ronaldo was declared winner

Sunday 12 January 2014

21 year old man burns self to death

A 21-year-old man, Mansur Tanko, on Friday, burnt himself to death in Jalingo, after a disagreement with his father, Tanko Mijinyawa, over marriage.

The Taraba Police Public Relations Officer, Joseph Kwaji, confirmed the incident and said the Jalingo Division of the police had commenced investigation into the matter.

Tanko, according to a witness, Jibrin Bala, set himself ablaze because his family refused to approve his wedding with a girl, Blessing. The witness told sympathisers that Tanko introduced Blessing to his father as his proposed wife, but the father kicked against the union, describing it as a bad choice.

Bala said efforts by the father to convince his son to look for another girl failed, as he insisted that he could not survive without Blessing. The witness added that Tanko suddenly left his father and went to a corner in the compound, where he poured petrol on his body and set himself ablaze.

"When we suddenly saw fire, everybody ran toward the corner of the compound, only to see Tanko burning.

"The father and other people in the compound tried to rescue Tanko from the fire, but failed as the flame was much and we could not move near," he said.

Meanwhile, he said, Tanko's father is currently receiving treatment at the Federal Medical Centre, Jalingo, for injuries sustained while trying to rescue the son from the fire

Saturday 11 January 2014

John Dumelo; Certainly a Happy Man

Leading Ghanaian actor, John Dumelo is certainly a happy man.
For one, not only has the hunky actor broken even in recent years with a string of hit movies, he also emerged Best Actor at the just concluded Ghana Movie Awards.
But that's not the only reason why he's happy. At the last episode of the Ovation Red Carol, Mr Dumelo was sitted beside thebodacious Sandra Ankobiah who presented quiet the 'view' in her scoop-necked red dress and from the look of things, John was definitely attracted.
The actor wittily posted on his Instagram page: "The centre of attraction can mean so many things....but I like what I see"
We hear you John!

Mikel's Kuchi Kuchi Love With His Russian Girl Friend

this was gooten from LIB.
 Sorry ladies, footballer John Mikel Obi is taken. I know I'm breaking a lot hearts of girls in Nigeria but, yeah, he's taken. He is seriously dating and living with a beautiful Russian lady named Olga Diyachenko. Yep, they live together in the UK. See more booed up photos after the cut...

Friday 10 January 2014

New Video: Seyi Shay - Ragga Ragga

Kicking off 2014 in her own lane, Seyi Shay drops the music video for her new club banging  single 'Ragga Ragga'. The video, shot by Clarence Peters, shows off her versatility as she channels more street style than girl next door.

Mike Ezuronye: former Glo Embassedor Gets Signed By Airtel

Months after ending his endorsement deal with telecoms giant Globacom, actor Mike Ezuronye has moved to another telecoms giant, Airtel. He's just been featured in Airtel's new thematic campaign 'Come Alive'. Mike pictured above at the unveiling of the 'Come Alive' TVC in Lagos on Wednesday January 8th. Congrats to him

Thursday 9 January 2014

Don Jazzy To Build A Multi-Million Naira Mavin Office Soon

Don Jazzy is not a new face in the country and in the industry. He has won several awards and clinched several endorsement deals on his own as a brand. The beat smith has also been able to bring out the best in artistes like Dbanj, Tiwa Savage, Wande Coal among others. At some point he was also an export when he was contacted to work on a track off Jay Z and Kanye West “Watch the thrown” album and he did not fall below standards.

This gist going around town has it that the successful record label executive is currently putting plans in place to build a multi-Million Naira music empire which will be called “The Mavin Office”. And also we heard he has just signed on some new talents that are currently working in the studios at the moment. Sources says the new talents are waiting to explode and if care is not taken they might be bigger than his previous artiste.
Also referred to as Don Baba, the beat smith was the hand behind popular pop singer Dbanj but the duo parted ways when Dbanj got signed on to Kanye West G.O.O.D Music. At the moment, there are plans to reconcile the two. Most efforts made earlier has failed but the recent effort by American rapper Wale seem to be working as the duo we heard are currently working on new beats.

He recently was rated as the 36th. “Most powerful celebrity in Africa” according to Forbes. Born Michael Collins he is a graduate of Business Management at the Ambrose Alli University Ekpoma in Edo state. He moved to London in the United Kingdom in 2000 after his Uncle invited him to come play the drums for the neighborhood Church.
-Aproko City

Osita Iheme Recieves Another Honour

Osita Iheme, the Nollywood actor and national honour carrier, MFR, has received another award.

The Imo state born miniature in nature actor,who has been awarded severally was recently honored as the ambassador of 'The New Generation' by the Rotary International.

He was honored at a Rotary International event which was held at the national theatre Lagos.

Psuare Reveals Tips On How They Got To The Top

We all know Psquare to have always been at the top in the music industry since they started.

The entertainers and singers in an interview recently with Mannie of Cool FM revealed the secret of their success. 

The artistes collectively say,

"Is all about prayers and hardwork before ever we release any album to the market, we must fast and pray for one month".

The artistes acclaimed this as what keeps them successful in the industry.

I Use Cocoa Butter Am Not Bleaching- Yvonne Nelson Speaks Out

The rumours has been ongoing for nearly a year that actress Ynovve Nelson is bleaching her skin she has kept quiet about this rumors since But the mention of her name by a US website, Atlanta Blackstar, as one of 15 black celebrities believed to be whitening their skin, moved Miss Nelson to give a response.

In a statement released this morning, the Ghanaian actress is alleged to have claimed that though her skin complexion has lightened over the years, it has absolutely nothing to do with skin bleaching.

She said: “My present skin tone is as a result of the constant use of the famous Queen Elizabeth Cocoa Butter. About 3 years ago, I was fortunate enough to secure a deal to be the 'Face of Queen Elizabeth Cocoa Butter' and as part of the contract, I was given a lifetime supply of the body cream. I have therefore been using this cream exclusively for 3 years, so what you see now is the result of the goodness of Queen Elizabeth. It has simply enhanced my natural complexion rather than bleach it.”

Queen Elizabeth Cocoa Butter, which is the official moisturiser of the British monarch, after whom the product is named, is rich in akomfem oil, which is believed to have given Miss Yvonne Nelson this caramel skin colour. It also contains vitamins A, E and F, which are essential for nourishment and moisturising without leaving the skin greasy.


It was an evening when physical disability was put to shame. The ability in disability was made manifest by the likes of Mr Cosmos Okoli who stood tall penultimate Thursday evening at the Ladi Kwali hall in Sheraton Hotel, Abuja where the first-ever Miss Wheelchair pageant in Nigeria was unveiled. 

Well, that is figurative. In fact he sits on a wheelchair courtesy of polio, which made him crawl until he was 12. Today, Mr Okoli, 48, heads the Mobility Aid and Appliances Research and Development Centre, which is pioneering the pageant, the first of its kind in African said to be patterned after such initiative in the United States begun since 1972. 

At the event were House Committee Chairman in the Diaspora Hon. Abike Dabiri-Erewa and Senator Effing Bob unveiled the pageant, scheduled for mid-December, several other politicians and captains 
of industry were given awards for supporting the disabled said to number about 1.7million people although there are contentions that the figure may well be close to 20 million.

Amongst the dignitaries honoured at the event was Senator Osita Izunaso of Orlu zone in Imo state whose Kpakpando Foundation is specifically targeted at disabled people. Cosmos Okoli said that but for the MTN Foundation, no other organisation has done better than Izunaso's foundation in supporting the disabled.

Okoli, who said disabled need support not pity noted that said the pageant, whose winner will drive home a brand new car, was aimed at changing public attitude to disabled people who, he lamented, have virtually been shut out of the society.

'No provisions are made for us on sideways, high-rise buildings, banks and just everywhere. We do not need your pity, just integrate us into the society,' Okoli told the audience.

In response Hon. Dabiri-Erewa said the Bill on People with Disability that she sponsored at the House of Representatives in collaboration with Hono. Benny Lar[Plateau] and Senator Bode Olajumoke in the upper house, is ready for accent by the President.

'I am very hopeful that Mr President will sign that bill before the end of this current tenure. When that happens, it will now be compulsory for the every public building to have a provision for disabled' she said, amid applause from scores of physically-challenged who attended the event. Movie stars Chindu-Ikedieze and Osita Iheme [aka ] Aki and Paw Paw, who motivated the challenged people to rise above their physical disposition.

Amonsgt those honoured include Deputy Senate president Ike Ekweremadu, Mazi Sam Ohuabunwa, Amina Salihu ,Prophet T. B Joshua represented by Ambassador John Fashanu

Chuks Akamadu, The Face Of A Gigolo

The name Chuks Akamadu may not sound very familiar to some sane minds but the name always leaves a tale of sorrow and tears in the minds of some rich widows and ladies of easy virtue, a popular face in all brothels across Abuja whose recent catch is Senator Nkechi Nworgu. But unknown to this senator representing Abia Central Senatorial zone who has never made an input in all the activities going on in the hallowed chambers, who spends the time she was supposed to use in attracting development to the senatorial zone she represents which is Abia Central Senatorial zone, rather chose to spend it with different men in hotels across Abuja.

On the 28th of August 2013, this woman was caught pants down in a popular hotel in Abuja by her husband's younger brother who has heard of her escapades with men. On that day, Senator Nworgu who is now prostituting Abuja was caught her in bed with a former 
governor who goes by the name Orji Uzor Kalu who is rumoured to have been infected with HIV by her wayward mother Odiukonamba. As if that is not enough, Orji who promised to get her a return ticket to the Senate come 2015 caught her with Chuks Akamadu having sex inside the senator's car in the garden of a popular Abuja hang out. This Senator representing Abia Central Senatorial zone in the Senate is now rated highest amongst lose women who lure young men to amorous intimate relationship with them with the promise of dashing them money or giving them political positions.

Chuks Akamadus favourite past time is sleeping with people's wives for a fee. Chuks is a drop out from the University of Lagos who thinks that sleeping with the nymphomaniac Senator Nworgu who is never satisfied in bed will earn him a place in politics. Chuks has therefore resorted to some performance enhancing drugs like Viagra and some local herbs so as to satisfy Senaor Nkechi Nworgu. It's not surprising that the Senator's first son was consummated through prostitution. Today, Senator Nworgu's illegitimate son has threatened to kill the mother if she fails to show him his father.

Rumour has it that Chief Nworgu after the shocking discovery that Orji was sleeping with his wife decided to silently end his relationship with the senator so as to avoid getting infected with HIV, since it is no longer news that Orji is infected with the deadly virus as a result of his intimate relationship with his mother Odiukonamba. This sex freak has not added any value to the senatorial zone she represents since she entered the Senate instead she is only busy sleeping with men all over Abuja. It was reported some time in 2012 that she fought in the waiting lounge of a local airport with a woman who accosted her and asking that she should leave his husband alone. Both women tore at each other and striped themselves Unclad only for the security men to whisk them away.

Young men beware of this Nymphomaniac senator as she will come to lure you to bed with her mone

President asked CBN Governor Lamido Sanusi to resign?

That is according to a report by Thisday. Find it below...
President Goodluck Jonathan has asked the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Governor, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, to resign immediately on the grounds that the letter Sanusi wrote to him on the unremitted $49.8 billion oil revenue to the Federation Account, was leaked to former President Olusegun Obasanjo by the CBN governor.
But Sanusi who has denied leaking the letter to anyone, has refused to resign and informed the president during the heated telephone exchange that he could only be removed by two-thirds of the Senate as required by law.
THISDAY learnt that the president had called Sanusi and accused him of leaking the letter to Obasanjo, which enabled the latter to use it as one of many allegations he levelled against Jonathan in his letter titled: “Before It is Too Late”.

The president, who a source in the presidency said was very angry and was not prepared to allow Sanusi to proceed on his terminal leave in March, asked him to tender his resignation before the close of business last Tuesday.

However, Sanusi denied that he had leaked his letter to Obasanjo and made it abundantly clear he would not be forced out, except he is removed by two-thirds of the Senate.
He also told the president that the letter was available in the presidential villa, available in the finance ministry and available in the central bank and wondered how he (Sanusi) could have leaked the letter, which was so widely available, to a former two-term president of Nigeria who has his people all over the place.

Sanusi also expressed his surprise to the president that he was the one being asked to resign instead of the president to ask those responsible for the non-remittance of the funds to resign.

His response, which threw the president aback, degenerated into a heated exchange during which Sanusi told the president that as the federal government’s Chief Economic Adviser, mandatorily required to bring issues of critical economic importance to the attention of the president, he had done a patriotic duty to his country.

“He informed the president that it is necessary to deal with the issues and not the letter that had been leaked since it has since been established that it was not $49.8 billion that had not been remitted to the Federation Account, but $10.8 billion, which was still in dispute and by any stretch of imagination was still a large sum.

“Sanusi felt he was being forced out for doing his patriotic duty to his country by drawing attention to the unaccounted funds. He only has two months to go, so this was a ploy to force him out and destroy his career and reputation.

“He knew this and for this reason, refused to throw in the towel as requested by the president,” a source familiar with the conversation said.
But the president was said to have remained adamant and insisted on the CBN governor’s resignation.

Following the exchange, Sanusi, another source said, briefed his close aides at the CBN and family of what had transpired between himself and the president.
The source said he did it to shield himself from harm, as he felt his life might be in danger for defying the direct order of the president.

When contacted Wednesday on the issue, the president’s Special Adviser, Media and Publicity, Dr. Reuben Abati, did not pick up or return THISDAY’s calls and text messages.

Also, efforts to get Sanusi and the CBN to speak on the matter met a brick wall.

Sanusi had written to the president in September informing him that, among other issues, the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) had not remitted $49.8 billion of oil revenue to the Federation Account over a 19-month period.

Although the letter was not made public until December 4, 2013 when it was leaked, Obasanjo referred to it in his letter dated December 2, 2013, to the president, in which the former president also accused Jonathan of being clannish, destroying the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), compiling a political watch-list of 1,000 people and training snipers to target opponents of the administration, among other allegations.

The president had since denied all of Obasanjo's claims in his rebuttal of the former president's letter.
Expectedly, Sanusi’s letter drew the ire of the opposition All Progressives Congress (APC), which called on the National Assembly to commence impeachment proceedings against the president.

In addition, the Senate directed its Committee on Finance to probe the contents of Sanusi’s letter.

However, Sanusi’s letter was immediately denied by NNPC, which accused the CBN governor of not only playing politics but also of being ignorant of the operations of the oil and gas sector.

Following NNPC’s repeated denials, a joint press conference was convened by the Coordinating Minister for the Economy and Minister of Finance, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala; Minister of Petroleum Resources, Mrs. Diezani Alison-Madueke and Sanusi, during which it was revealed that a reconciliation process was ongoing, and had so far established that it was not $49.8 billion that had not been repatriated to the Federation Account but $10.8 billion.

During the press conference, however, Sanusi attempted to distance himself from the statements made by Okonjo-Iweala and Alison-Madueke, stating that it was $12 billion that had not been remitted by NNPC.

But the finance minister immediately interjected, insisting that it was $10.8 billion that had not been remitted to the Federation Account and was still in dispute.
But it is not clear what would now happen to the CBN governor who has already indicated that he will leave office in March on a three-month terminal leave ahead of the expiration of his tenure in June.

He had earlier written to the president last year that he would not be seeking a second term.
Clearly the Jonathan presidency must be feeling uncomfortable with Sanusi's remaining five months in office in this political season.

As at last night, efforts were being made to reconcile the president and the CBN governor and create an orderly transition at the apex bank so as not to harm growing confidence in the Nigerian economy

Wednesday 8 January 2014

An Indonessian Man With Tumors all over his body


An Indonesian man whose body is covered by hundreds of tumours has made a final plea for help as the rare condition robs him of his sight.

Slamet, from East Java, is believed to be suffering from neurofibromatosis, a genetic condition which causes uncontrollable growths along the nerves. According to his brother Suwadi, the 59-year-old had a tumour removed from his waist in 1991. But six months later tumours began to form all over his face and body.

Years later the condition has become intolerable and Slamet suffers constant pain throughout his body. Recently the tumours have started blocking his nostrils, making it difficult for him to breath

Slamet is now unable to work and relies on handouts.

Neurofibromatosis is the name for a number of genetic conditions that cause swellings or lumps.
Although many people who have the condition inherit it from one of their parents, up to 50 per cent develop it randomly from a gene mutation before they are born.

Despite their alarming appearance, the growths and swellings - called neurofibromas and caused by a growth of cells - are not cancerous or contagious.

Culled from UK Daily Mail